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Manoj Bajpayee skips dinner: Is it a healthy way to lose weight?

Manoj Bajpayee skipping dinner is a new way of intermittent fasting. Know more details.
Image Source : INSTAGRAM: @BAJPAYEE.MANOJ Manoj Bajpayee skipping dinner is a new way of intermittent fasting. Know more details.

Manoj Bajpayee in a recent interview revealed that he has been skipping dinner for almost 13-14 years and now his grandfather’s fitness levels inspired him to follow his eating habits. The actor said that while he initially started with just tasting the food he likes to manage his weight, he eventually stopped having dinner altogether. 

Manoj Bajpayee eliminated dinner from his diet after his doctor advised him to have an early last meal. The actor said that his eating pattern is very similar to intermittent fasting, but he does it for 18 hours and eats between 9 am to 3 pm, and consumes only healthy food.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a diet plan where you eat during certain hours while fasting for the rest. There are different types of intermittent fasting. This type of fasting has many benefits and can help people lose weight and but the disadvantage of it includes chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and blood pressure.

What are the benefits of Intermittent fasting?

1. It changes the function of hormone levels to make stored body fat more accessible and initiates important cellular repair processes.

2. Lower insulin levels, higher HGH levels, and increased amounts of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) all increase the breakdown of body fat and facilitate its use for energy.

3. It has been shown to have major benefits for insulin resistance and to lead to an impressive reduction in blood sugar levels.

4. This fasting can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

5. Provides protection against several diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting

1. When you reduce your calorie

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Best plant-based foods for optimal gut health | Health

Gut health is a crucial determinant of our overall health where a healthy gut is formed by the presence of a diverse microbiome and a plant-based balanced diet that consists of whole grains, legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables, fruits, fiber-rich foods, fermented probiotics etc helps to support our healthy bacteria and lay a foundation for a healthy gut. Vegetarian meals containing these ingredients are also nutritious and work against preventing inflammation or even treating such gut inflammation since the gut microbiome plays a critical role in our overall health and immunity.

gut health (Photo by Sweet Life on Unsplash)” title=”Best plant-based foods for optimal gut health (Photo by Sweet Life on Unsplash)”/
Best plant-based foods for optimal gut health (Photo by Sweet Life on Unsplash)
Best plant-based foods for optimal gut health (Photo by Sweet Life on Unsplash)

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Manoj Kutteri, Medical Director and CEO of Atmantan Wellness Centre, suggested, “When you are focusing on a pure vegetarian plant-based diet, you need to know that all those diet preparations are not equal. While a freshly prepared meal is highly beneficial to us, a vegetarian diet which is loaded with sugar and made with processed food ingredients, refined grains, and carbs may not work beneficial to our gut and the body. A balanced meal should also focus on a variety of vegetarian options such as wholesome multi-grains, differently colored fruits and so on.”

Emphasising that one of the major arguments for non-vegetarianism is the protein content of animal foods, he said, “There are abundant vegetarian sources of protein as well that one can plan a meal with. If you are not careful about these proportions of a vegetarian meal, it can adversely affect your gut. Besides the nutritional quotient of the food, it is important to look at the quality and freshness of the ingredients. Organically grown or

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Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

<p>Sergey Kirsanov / Getty images</p>

Sergey Kirsanov / Getty images

Medically reviewed by Suzanne Fisher, MS

The açai palm—Euterpe oleracea—is a plant native to the Amazon region of tropical Central and South America. It produces small, deep purple-colored berries that are rich in nutrients and antioxidant compounds.

Indigenous communities of the Amazon have used açai berries as a food source and natural medicine for thousands of years. More recently, the popularity of açai has grown in other areas of the world, including the United States, as more people learn about the health benefits of this tropical fruit.

Benefits of Acai

Açaí berries may be small, but they’re packed with health-protective vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. Typically, fresh açaí berries are not sold in the U.S., but you can still get the benefits from juiced and frozen forms of the fruit.

Provides Powerful Antioxidants

Açaí berries are rich in protective phytochemicals, which are plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidants help protect against oxidative stress, a process that otherwise can lead to cellular damage and diseases including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Anti-inflammatory compounds inhibit pro-inflammatory pathways in the body that can sometimes encourage inflammation and lead to disease.

Research shows açaí extract has a greater antioxidant capacity than both vitamin C and vitamin E, and supplementing with açaí products may help improve the body’s antioxidant defenses.

A small study found drinking 200 milliliter (ml) of açaí juice per day for four weeks led to significant increases in antioxidant levels and activity. The treatment also decreased markers of oxidative stress.

Another small study found consuming 400 grams (g) of açaí pulp per day for 15 days increased the men’s blood antioxidant capacity and decreased markers of cellular damage.

Research also shows açaí has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and could help

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